This year, I was fortunate enough to be able to ring out the old, ring in the new with a paddle at the Falls Lake Dam.
We had recently gotten enough rain that Falls Lake was above 251.5 feet, which is their preferred level, after being well under for several months. As a result, the USGS started releasing water from the lake and we got a nice 1500 CFS release for several days.
This allowed me to get in a New Years Eve paddle at dam, as well as my first paddle of the New Year.
Since then, we have had several nice rain events, which increased the lake level significantly, up to around 257 feet. Unfortunately, in order to get the water level down quickly, they ended up bumping the release up to over 4000 CFS, which is a bit too high for playing. However, I was still able to take advantage of the 1500 – 2400 CFS releases and got out to the dam several times before and after the New Year.
Last year went by quickly and due to work, life, and weather, I was not able to do as much coastal paddling as I would have liked, but still had some great kayak trips.
I was also able to maintain my personal goal of at least one paddle each week and my New Year’s Eve paddle put me at a 62 week streak.
I look forward to being able to paddle and explore this year.